you’re so thoughtful, Madam May for featuring my post.

thank you for seeing me. You’re doing a great job with this substack and the audience is waiting and lurking.

I’ve told you this in your dm and i’ll say it publicly again: You’ll be amazed where this journey takes you. Just you wait!

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Thanks Tobi.

You can't imagine how affirming your appearance in my at this time world is. Whatever doubt I may have had about the value of my voice here, have been effectively erased by you.

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i’m glad. so glad!

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“So earlier on this fateful day, 12 year old Ujay had mentioned that he will like to talk to me whenever I can find the time.”

that’s so cute and empathetic that he respects your time at a young age.

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That one is growing into a fine gentleman. And for that I am super grateful

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that part about kitchen conversations took me back in time.

i’m sure my parents (mom in particular) would i have loved those kitchen conversations, had we ever had them.

those kitchen conversations could be life changing.

ps: kitchen conversations sounds like the name of a podcast 😂

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Kitchen Conversations are the best.

And I don't think it's ever late to start one. Even with your Mom😄

Meanwhile, the podcast titled The Kitchen Conversations have your name written all over it! 😏😏 Or don't you think? I for one, will listen

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awnnnn! i’ll think of it

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